Sunday, May 2, 2010

Starlite Night with BCS Family

I was once a member of this organization.
A months ago I decided to quit for a certain reason, but the friendship I built with this people remained. That even in some occasions and events, I never missed to get and invitation from them. After a months of of hibernating from the group, I decided to accept the invitation for the group's monthly get-together. Held last May 01, 2010 at the Starlite KTV Bar, I showed up with my boyfriend. And I was so happy that some of the ex-members of the group were also there (the people whom became close to me ).As I expected, It was another memorable moments I had with them. Laugh trips, singing,dancing and "kulitan" over bottles of beer and boxes of cigar. My boyfriend also enjoyed their company, and he was also able to get to know them, and told me how blessed I am to have them as my friends.

" To the wounds that never heals and beauty that never fades " Cheers!

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